Declaration of War on Strawhats

Mercenaries of Club Penguin Hereby declare war on Strawhats.

War Terms:

  • This war is between Strawhats and Mercenaries, no other armies can interfere until the war has been won by either side or ended by treaty/mutual consent.
  • Server transfers are allowed.
  • Allies aren’t allowed.
  • No doxxing, ddosing, toxic tactics etc as per cpa rules.
  • All battles must be scheduled 24 hours in advance with the CPA league – failure to do so will lead to it being deemed invalid.
  • All battles must be judged by CPA league / CPAJ officiated judges.
  • A withdrawal from this conflict (whether withdrawal from the server map, withdrawal from the CPA league, etc.) will be considered as a forfeit of the war.

~ Midnight


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