Slippers- Janitors capital: Today we logged on for this generation’s first Ausia event, which maxed 12. We decided to let our HCOM Sachika (Sach) and Aria lead the event without any input from the leadership team to see how they got on.
Mercenaries of Club Penguin Hereby declare war on Strawhats.
War Terms:
This war is between Strawhats and Mercenaries, no other armies can interfere until the war has been won by either side or ended by treaty/mutual consent.
Server transfers are allowed.
Allies aren’t allowed.
No doxxing, ddosing, toxic tactics etc as per cpa rules.
All battles must be scheduled 24 hours in advance with the CPA league – failure to do so will lead to it being deemed invalid.
All battles must be judged by CPA league / CPAJ officiated judges.
A withdrawal from this conflict (whether withdrawal from the server map, withdrawal from the CPA league, etc.) will be considered as a forfeit of the war.
Today we had the second event of the second generation where we returned to the CPPS yukon and maxed a size of 10, well done today, thanks to all who attended.